Artificial Intelligence
Exploring the latest advancements, applications, and ethical considerations in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

A Complete Guide to Furniture Configurators: Grow Your Sales & ROI Paid Members Public
Learn how furniture configurators help manufacturers boost sales, cut manual work, and scale custom orders. This complete guide covers key features, ROI, and how to choose the right solution.

3 Reasons Why Pioneering AI Assistants in Product Customization Will Set Your Brand Apart Paid Members Public
Selling customizable products online can be complex with traditional 3D configurators. But with AI assistants using Conversational UI, it all becomes easy. Discover how AI assistants can set your brand apart!

Empowering Non-Tech Savvy Customers: Simplify Product Customization with Conversational UI Paid Members Public
Maximize eCommerce potential with user-friendly customization tools. Boost sales and customer satisfaction by making product customization accessible to everyone. Learn more now.

Why AI Assistants Beat Rule-based Chatbots in Online Shopping Paid Members Public
AI assistants are redefining the shopping experience with smart, human-like understanding and responses, and their ability to be a single source of truth. Discover what makes them so different from rule-based chatbots and why they're the future of online shopping.

3 Ways Your e-Commerce Brand Can Leverage Generative AI Paid Members Public
Generative AI may sound like yet another AI buzzword, but if you run an e-commerce business, you can’t afford to ignore its potential.

Speak Your Design: Voice-Enabled Conversational UI with Salsita 3D Configurator Paid Members Public
Experience the ease of voice-powered product customization with Salsita 3D Configurator. Our innovative technology simplifies the design process, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Discover how in our latest video.

AI Overload: Unpacking DMEXCO 2023's Constant Tech Buzz Paid Members Public
Discover key insights from DMEXCO 2023 on the transformative role of AI in digital marketing. Learn how AI is enhancing strategies, optimizing content, and fostering genuine interactions while reshaping commerce and creativity in the digital landscape!

4 Ways AI and Machine Learning Transform Direct-To-Consumer Commerce Marketing Paid Members Public
In this article, discover how AI and machine learning revolutionize DTC brand marketing, analyzing customer data, predicting behaviors, personalizing campaigns, and real success stories in AI-driven strategies.