Brown Bag Video

Articles featuring our weekly brown bag presentations about various topics on technology and anything else we find interesting.

Take full control of your image generation - Stable Diffusion Members Public

In this brown bag video, join Dani Lopez as he takes you on a captivating journey into the world of image generation AI. Get ready to unlock a new level of creative possibilities!

Dani Lopez - Full-Stack Tech Lead
Brown Bag Video

A Sneak Peek into Creating a Minimum Lovable Product – The Product that Users Adore Members Public

Explore the impact of Minimum Lovable Products (MLP) in this enlightening video. Craft a product users adore by balancing functionality and user experience, embracing unconventional ideas, and creating dopamine-triggering "Aha" moments. Unleash your product's full potential with irresistible charm.

Robin Palička - UX designer & UI developer at Salsita
Brown Bag Video

Augmented Reality and How It Works in Mobile Browsers - Video Presentation by Jozef Lelic Members Public

The popularity of augmented reality (AR) has grown significantly over the last half decade. It’s becoming more common, especially on smart devices, but how exactly does it work in mobile browsers?

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Code & Tools

How to Build a Product Configurator in 40 Minutes - Video Presentation by Jiří Staniševský Members Public

3D configurators are a great way for customers to personalize a product to their specifications and interact with it online in real time. As they gain popularity, supercharging DTC (direct-to-consumer) e-commerce through immersive visualization, more companies are looking to build their own.

Jiří Staniševský - Chief Technical Officer
Brown Bag Video

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