Brown Bag Video

Articles featuring our weekly brown bag presentations about various topics on technology and anything else we find interesting.

How to Prototype in Figma - Video Presentation by Robin Palička Members Public

Coming up with a genuine idea for your current project is a great feeling. The work’s flowing, and you can’t wait to see the result. But the time between initial idea and first clickable demo can take months. How can you fix this? Start by focusing your attention on high-fidelity prototyping.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

The Future of Organizations - Video Presentation by Jan Mikula Members Public

“Imagine what organizations would be like if we stopped designing them like soulless, clunky machines. What could organizations achieve, and what would work feel like, if we treated them like living beings, if we let them be fueled by the evolutionary power of life itself?” - Frederic Laloux

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Test [Driven] Development of React Hooks - Video Presentation by Jiří Staniševský Members Public

Automated Unit Tests are a vital part of software development. They are built to ensure software works as expected, give developers the confidence needed to ship code to production, and encourage devs to think about software design. They should also make software easier to maintain and refactor.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Developing and Testing Apps with Postman - Video Presentation by Pavel Přibyl Members Public

Postman, a collaboration platform for API development, is widely known and used in the IT industry. Its features simplify each step of building an API and streamline collaboration so you can create better APIs in less time.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Artificial Intelligence: An Intro to Intelligent Agents - Video Presentation by David Kuboň Members Public

When you hear the term AI, what comes to mind? Robots rising up against their human creators? Or maybe Steven Spielberg’s film of the same name? AI refers to a wide range of technologies and applications powering many of the products and services we use every day, even if we don’t realize it.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Traditional Photography and Why I Prefer It - Video Presentation by Barbora Dřevíkovská Members Public

Why do people still shoot film? This query has often left Barbora Dřevíkovská with more questions than answers. Photography started as an experiment for Bara, but then took on a life of its own. Now, her love for analog serves as her passion and the catalyst for learning why people still shoot film.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Effective Altruism - Video Presentation by Tom Morris Members Public

Effective altruism is about answering one simple question: how can we use our resources to help others the most? It’s no use answering this question unless you act on it. Some have answered by cleaning up their neighborhood or donating to an NGO. But how can you create the most amount of good?

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

Managing React State with RxJS - Video Presentation by Jiří Staniševský Members Public

Redux has been the most popular state management tool in React for many years, however there are those who find it cumbersome, verbose, and strict. These critics have tried to come up with an alternative, but they haven’t gotten enough traction to overthrow the ruling king yet.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software
Brown Bag Video

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