Ionic React and Capacitor: Hands-On Tutorial - Video Presentation by Pascal Heitz

In this video, Pascal breaks down what Capacitor and Ionic React are, creates a demo in real time, and gives his feedback on these two emerging technologies.

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For companies to grow and get better at what they do, there needs to be a fair amount of experimentation. Is it better for a company to stick to what they know and put the time into learning a new technology?

These questions were the basis of Full-Stack Developer Pascal Heitz’s technology experiment. For two months he familiarized himself with the ups and downs of Capacitor and Ionic React. Since Pascal is battle tested in React, which is what Ionic React is based on, it was easy to use. Capacitor, also known as “the native bridge for cross-platform web apps” is the successor to Cordova and was created by the Ionic team.

In this video, Pascal breaks down what Capacitor and Ionic React are, creates a demo in real time, and gives his feedback on these two emerging technologies.

Pascal Heitz is a Full-Stack Developer and four-year Salsita veteran who initially wound up in Prague as part of an experiment of life. He believes knowledge is power and thus chooses projects that help people lead better and smarter lives.

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