How we manage our hardware at Salsita with Siros

Salsita’s in-house app allows us to track and monitor our hardware as well as trade used equipment on a custom marketplace.

Roman Kaspar - CTO of Salsita

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Salsita’s in-house app allows us to track and monitor our hardware as well as trade used equipment on a custom marketplace

The Problem:

At Salsita we favor freedom of choice whenever possible, and our hardware policy is no exception. New team members receive a generous initial budget to purchase whichever hardware suits their professional needs. Every year, an additional budget is provided for upgrading existing equipment or buying new goodies. Thanks to this approach we avoid the unspeakable inhumanity of forcing a Windows person to use Mac OS or Linux (or vice versa).

Despite its advantages, our system requires significant effort to manage hardware and budgets. We faced two specific challenges. Firstly, we needed to establish a clearly organized and up-to-date inventory with details about all the hardware our employees use. Secondly, as all hardware belongs to Salsita regardless of who is using it, we wanted to give our employees the opportunity to purchase used equipment for their personal use.


The Solution:

Our in-house Siros web app provides an elegant solution to both challenges. Not only does the repository help us manage all the hardware in use, it also gives us the option to recycle used equipment on a common marketplace. Siros keeps track of all the hardware details, such as its original price, the previous user and how long it has been in service. Other technical specifications such as screen size or hard drive capacity are also available. Employees can monitor their hardware as well as the current state of their budget with the option to purchase used hardware for cash (for personal use) or with their remaining budget (for work use).

The app offers various additional features. For example, it can be used by management to produce detailed reports on hardware usage at the company and total outstanding budget.

If you are facing similar problems at your company (and you are tired of updating Excel sheets or the like), take a look at our solution and get inspired!

Code & ToolsCompany CultureJavaScript Engineering

Roman Kaspar - CTO of Salsita

Roman has 10 years of experience as an executive technical leader, including engineering management, architecting complex scalable systems and building world-class software development teams.

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