Decoding Customer Feedback: Strategies for Enhanced User Experience Members Public

This article discusses the importance of interpreting and utilizing customer feedback to improve the user experience (UX). It highlights the different methods for collecting customer feedback, as well as the tools and strategies for analyzing and implementing it.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
UX & Design

AI Overload: Unpacking DMEXCO 2023's Constant Tech Buzz Members Public

Discover key insights from DMEXCO 2023 on the transformative role of AI in digital marketing. Learn how AI is enhancing strategies, optimizing content, and fostering genuine interactions while reshaping commerce and creativity in the digital landscape!

Anthony Temperante - VP of Sales & Marketing

4 Ways AI and Machine Learning Transform Direct-To-Consumer Commerce Marketing Members Public

In this article, discover how AI and machine learning revolutionize DTC brand marketing, analyzing customer data, predicting behaviors, personalizing campaigns, and real success stories in AI-driven strategies.

Anthony Temperante - VP of Sales & Marketing
Artificial Intelligence

3 Ways 3D Configurators Shape Digital Marketing Members Public

Delve into the digital advancements in marketing and how interactive 3D configurators, like Salsita's, are revolutionizing the eCommerce landscape by enhancing user experience and increasing conversion rates.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager

VR Product Configurators: Everything You Need to Know Members Public

Dive into the future of shopping with VR product configurators, redefining customization, elevating engagement, and reshaping retail landscapes.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
3D Product Configurator

Future Trends Defining Home and Outdoor Design – What Manufacturers Need to Know Members Public

In this article, we explore and discuss the innovative future trends shaping home and outdoor design, emphasizing a more interconnected and humane approach to living spaces.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
3D Product Configurator

Luxury on the Edge: Turning Threats into Opportunities - A Closer Look at the Bain Report Members Public

In this article, delve into the intriguing world of luxury goods as we uncover hidden threats and explore the transformative potential of customizable products, drawing insights from the insightful Bain Report.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager

Revolutionizing Jewelry Customization with Salsita 3D Configurator Members Public

Are you a jeweler looking to revolutionize how customers personalize your products? Check out our Ring Configurator Demo, created specifically to show businesses in the jewelry and luxury industry the transformative power of Salsita 3D Configurator.

Razi Alakhdar - Marketing Manager
3D Product Configurator

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