Improve the eCommerce Sales Funnel with a 3D Product Configurator

In today's eCommerce space a basic online presence is just a starting point. Maximizing online customer engagement and revenue is a vast field unto itself. In this article, we tackle one aspect of this: how a 3D product configurator can help you to optimize your eCommerce sales funnel.

Salsita Software
Salsita Software

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When it comes to adopting new sales and marketing practices, some companies struggle to get out of their own way. If something has worked for decades, why change it, right? It’s safe to say that most businesses have embraced selling online or have started getting their products in front of an online audience. But, for the few who haven’t, what are you waiting for?

In today's eCommerce space, however, a basic online presence is just a starting point. Maximizing online customer engagement and revenue is a vast field unto itself. In this article, we tackle one aspect of this: how a 3D product configurator can help you to optimize your eCommerce sales funnel.

The eCommerce Sales Funnel

Selling products and services directly to customers comes down to three things: making a memorable impression, answering your customer’s questions, and guiding them through the buying process as fast as possible. Implementing a tool such as a 3D product configurator can help you at each step of this process.

Before we delve deeper, let's first define what the eCommerce sales funnel is. It typically includes these core components: awareness, consideration, and purchase. Each one plays an important role in a customer’s journey, from arriving at your website to buying your product.

Now, let’s take this a step further and see what each component looks like when you use a 3D product configurator and when you don’t use one.

The True ROI of Customized eCommerce Experiences
Creating the best experience is crucial to the success of eCommerce sites today—and a customized eCommerce experience is one of the best ways to achieve that.

Without a product configurator

Awareness: A visitor lands on your website, browses your products, and might leave without buying something, unless you can provide them a unique experience they won’t get elsewhere.

Consideration: The visitor shows interest in the product, looking at different color/sizing/pricing options. But, if they want to customize further, and that’s not an option, this could prompt them to leave.

Purchase: The visitor feels they found what they need and buys your product. There’s still a chance that they won’t be happy with their purchase once their order arrives. Poor visualization and a lack of details can’t paint a full picture of your product. Now you’re at risk of them returning your product.

With a product configurator

Awareness: A visitor lands on your website, views your products, and sees the option for configuration.

Consideration: The visitor can change the product’s size and color in real-time, while zooming in and out, viewing the product in 360°. You can also arrange to have the product’s price change as the product is configured. They will be able to configure the product within the limits of what you offer, no questions asked.

Purchase: The visitor has been able to make the product fit their exact specifications. When users can customize a product, what they see is exactly what they get, with less room for error. And, on top of that, companies are achieving 40% higher online conversion rates and a 30% improvement in average sales prices when using 3D models to replace 2D static imagery.

Understanding this process is vital to getting your product into the hands of more customers. Now, let’s see what else a 3D product configurator can do to improve the eCommerce sales funnel.

Make the Customer a Product Designer

Allowing your customer to customize their product in real time gives them power. It invites them into the research phase in a new way. Instead of salespeople spending loads of time with them, going over every detail and seeing every angle, they can do it themselves. It engages them in a way that your competition won’t likely be able to match.

Implementing a 3D product configurator enables your customer to experiment with various features and components. They get to play around with the product, changing the color, size, look, until they have gotten it just right. This is quite a contrast compared to reading infographics or case studies.

Now you have allowed your customer to create their own product within minutes, transforming them into a product designer.

Keep Them on Your Page

There are a lot of advantages to having a 3D product configurator on your website. Not only are your customers having fun making their own product, it also keeps them on your site longer.

It's like combining the research and closing phases into one. When the user experience is more user-friendly, with tools to show them the ideal product they created, you are shortening the sales cycle.

Speed Up the Order Process

Customers today want to buy from brands that offer customization options; they don’t want to drown themselves in pages of generic product images and descriptions.

It is daunting for salespeople to have to go through hundreds of product variations when communicating with buyers. It makes for too much back-and-forth, consulting product databases or confirming customer preferences. This extends the sales lifecycle, hindering customer experience, and tiring out employees.

With a 3D product configurator, each order can be validated automatically by the application as soon as it is created. This minimizes unnecessary interactions between the customer and vendor.

Other benefits include reduced costs, third-party software integration, access from other devices, and more. You can read about these and more in this article.

Develop a Custom-Built 3D Product Configurator with Salsita

Salsita 3D Configurator is extremely flexible and decouples the product configuration and pricing backend from the frontend UX, which gives us control over the process flow, UI design, and overall UX.

Salsita 3D Configurator – Streamline Production and Boost Sales
At Salsita, we don’t just supply the 3D product configurator software, we create a bespoke implementation that integrates seamlessly into each customer’s eCommerce website and manufacturing process.

Salsita has been in the configurator space for several years. We have case studies and articles to read or webinars and videos to watch. But the best way to find out what we can do for you is to contact us and schedule a call to discuss your project.

We can book a demo for you and explain how we can build you a 3D product configurator that will boost your online revenues and increase customer satisfaction. We love working with emerging technologies and we don’t run from creative challenges. We have carved out a unique space with our 3D product configurator framework and we want you to be a part of it.

We are ready to connect and answer any questions you have.

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