How 3D Product Customizers Help eCommerce Companies Grow Revenue

This article explores how focusing on the digital journey can drive conversions, purchases, and ultimately, improve your bottom line.

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eCommerce stores are always on the lookout for ways to improve their bottom line. With customer experiences playing a huge role in conversions, purchases, and revenue, focusing on ways to enhance and deliver the best digital journey may be the perfect solution.

One of those ways is by leveraging a 3D product customizer.

This article will help you understand how you can increase your revenue through a 3D product customizer.

3D Product Customizer: Why Product Customization Leads to Higher Conversions

3D product customizers enable buyers to visualize and customize product elements to suit their tastes. With rising consumer expectations, companies have to deliver engaging and interactive purchase journeys if they want to reach their revenue targets.

Let’s explore the benefits of leveraging a 3D product customizer:

Enhanced Visualizations

Customers want aesthetically pleasing interfaces and experiences, and 3D product customizers provide just that. According to Deloitte, a positive buying experience leads to 140% more spending by a customer than a negative purchase experience.

With this solution, they can visualize exactly how the product will look rather than scrolling through basic product photos.

Fewer Mistakes and Returns

Selecting products using only images leaves a lot of room for errors. A simple mistake can leave customers dissatisfied upon receiving the product, and they may decide to return it for a refund. Sadly, such negative experiences often make customers reluctant to buy from your online store again.

A 3D product customizer can easily reduce the chances of this happening. The 360-degree visuals that customers interact with help them make better product choices, thus reducing return rates.

Better Customer Insight

You can understand customer behavior and preferences on a deeper level through a product customizer. When you capture customer journeys and configuration preferences, you gain valuable insight that enables you to refine your product and operations.

Faster Order Cycle

The less time salespeople spend describing and customizing products, the faster the order cycle. By automating workflow and integrating pricing engines and internal manufacturing systems with the product customizer, you can cut down on mundane tasks and enable faster product delivery.

How to Reduce Production Time For Customized Products
Reducing production time can be a powerful competitive advantage, and one of the most effective tools in achieving this is a 3D configurator.

Higher Revenue

A 3D product customizer enhances the customer shopping experience. Customers are often willing to pay more for personalized or customized products, resulting in increased revenue for your enterprise.

How to Start Growing Your Revenue With a Product Customizer

Here are a few tips to help you grow your revenue with a 3D product customizer:

Integrate With Internal Tools and Third Party Software

By integrating with third-party solutions, you can reduce the number of manual tasks involved in your operations and enable automated handover from one process to the other. You can integrate with existing ERP systems, CRM, PIM, and DAM.

Personalize Commerce Experiences

Customers can tailor products to their unique personal preferences. According to a 2022 State of Personalization report, 49% of online buyers will likely make another purchase after a customized buying experience. These customers are also more inclined to pay more money for a customized experience.

Enable Social Media Sharing

With the increasing importance of social media, companies can enjoy more engagement across their channels when customers show off their personalized products on social media.

You can do this by incorporating a share feature into your product customizer to distribute unique designs across channels such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. This is also a great way to reach a wider audience and obtain new customers.

5 Ways to Increase eCommerce User Engagement
In this article, we’ll explore various ways to increase engagement and brand loyalty, while focusing on the benefits of 3D product configurators.

Track and Measure Customer Journeys

You should track each customer's journey across all channels to get a better understanding of who they are and what they want. After all, 66% of customers believe companies should understand their individual needs and preferences.

You can use their first-party data to tailor their individual experience within the product customizer. This gives you the information you need to meet customers' specific needs. A satisfied customer is more likely to make a repeat purchase and/or spread the word about their positive shopping experience.

Optimize All Essential Processes

By refining and optimizing your operations, you can gain a clear understanding of where customers drop off, lose interest, or become frustrated with the buying process. You can now identify the challenging aspects of all your customers’ journeys and work to resolve them.

How a Luxury Kitchen Brand Uses Salsita 3D Configurator to Scale Revenue

A 3D product customizer can make a huge difference in a customer’s shopping experience. A positive experience leads to higher engagement and conversion, a faster order cycle, deeper customer insights, and increased sales.

Salsita 3D Configurator is a headless product configurator that enables eCommerce shops and brands to create distinctive custom interfaces, offer parametric configuration, and easily integrate with manufacturing processes. Many brands have leveraged Salsita 3D Configurator to enhance their eCommerce shopping experience.

Making an ultra-luxe product fully configurable - L’Atelier Paris
Salsita’s powerful 3D product configurator framework helps L’Atelier Paris to greatly expand the reach of their brand and offer their customizable products to anyone, anywhere, and on virtually any device.

Take L’Atelier for example. This luxury kitchen brand chose Salsita 3D Configurator to create a real-time immersive shopping journey with dynamic pricing, numerous configuration options, and a faster order cycle.

This configurator has led to higher customer engagement and a significant boost in sales for the company. As a result, they continue to invest in adding more features and enhancements to it. To read about how L’Atelier achieved this, check out this case study.

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