3 Reasons Why Pioneering AI Assistants in Product Customization Will Set Your Brand Apart

Selling customizable products online can be complex with traditional 3D configurators. But with AI assistants using Conversational UI, it all becomes easy. Discover how AI assistants can set your brand apart!

Camille Felappi
Camille Felappi

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Selling customizable products online? Whether it's tailored furniture, bespoke jewelry, or custom railings, showcasing your options in 3D is a must. But let's face it—using a classic 3D configurator can be daunting for your customers, especially when the product is complex, with many features and options.

With an AI assistant that talks to your customers in human language, Conversational Configurators can make everything easier.

We analyzed real user data to understand if Conversational UI technology and AI design assistants truly enhance the customization experience. We found that customers love and trust AI assistants because they turn complex design tasks into straightforward conversations. Read on to see how!

What Is Conversational UI?

Conversational UI, or Conversational User Interface, is the technology behind Salsita’s AI assistants. It allows users to interact with AI using natural language, similar to how they would talk to another person. Instead of clicking buttons or typing commands, users can simply speak or type in everyday language to get things done.

When applied to Conversational Configurators, this technology makes customizing products much easier and more intuitive. For example, if you're configuring a custom ring, instead of selecting each component manually, you can just tell the AI "I want a gold ring with a sapphire stone," and the AI will guide you through the options. If you're not sure what stone to choose, the AI can recommend options based on your unique tastes and preferences. This makes the whole process faster, more convenient, and more user-friendly.

Check Out How Conversational UI Works

1 - AI Assistants Make a Great Impression on Users

50% of the users we interviewed were impressed with the AI’s interactive capabilities, especially its ability to implement 3D changes in real-time. They also loved the in-chat widgets and conversational helpers that let them tweak the product right within the chat, no typing needed.

This shows that users want to spend as few clicks as possible to design the perfect product. They don't want to download specification PDFs or navigate complex interfaces; they just want customization to be as fast and easy as a conversation.

2 - Most Users Trust the Expertise of the AI

Users feel comfortable telling their requirements to the AI assistant and trust its expertise, even though it’s not a human sales representative. They appreciate the AI's ability to provide accurate, helpful guidance, and have no issue considering it a single source of truth.

This high level of trust in AI reflects a growing trend, as data shows that 76% of customers are open to AI assistants responding to their questions. This confidence also stems from the AI's ability to remain friendly and polite, never getting angry or losing itspatience.

See the AI Assistant's Expertise in Action

3 - Voice Feature Is a Great Fit for New User Habits

Our preliminary research showed that users are impressed with the voice feature when they try it. They have low expectations for it, but end up being surprised with the answer’s quality.This indicates a growing acceptance and preference for voice interactions among users.

As more people shop from their phones, they seek the most convenient ways to get immediate help. Typing on a phone can be impractical, so being able to talk to the AI as if speaking to an expert in a store greatly enhances the user experience, especially on mobile devices. This voice feature makes interactions smoother and more efficient, aligning perfectly with new user habits.

Download Our Exclusive Research and Stay Ahead of Your Competitors

This is just a glimpse of why you should pioneer AI assistants in product customization. If you want to have a comprehensive overview with exclusive real user interaction data, download our white paper “How AI Assistants Are Redefining Product Customization”.

We gathered this data by conducting various usability tests and user interviews over six months on a Conversational Configurator we deployed for L’Atelier Paris, which allows users to design high-end kitchens in real-time with the help of an AI design assistant.

Artificial IntelligenceConversational ConfiguratorConversational UI

Camille Felappi

Camille is a B2B digital marketing specialist, focusing on SEO and content creation. She helps businesses connect with their target audience using data-driven and creative strategies.

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